Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Consciousness Energy Simply Enliven Secrets To The Science of Success

“There may be times, when you don't understand exactly how the Science of Success works, just as you may not understand exactly how electricity works. You don't have to understand how electricity works in order to flip the switch and turn on a light.”

"At this moment, the room you are in is full of radio waves. You know they are there, even though you can't see them. You know that if you turned on a radio and tuned in to a particular station, you could hear them. You just have to tune in to the right frequency. To get the music you want in your life, your highest success, you just have to tune in to right station and lock on."

“When something is a law, it has to work all the time. For example, the law of gravity never skips a day — it works all the time. Despite man's best efforts; we can't change the laws of nature.” — James Ray

The Transference of Money is Energy as Consciousness Is

"The Lack of Money is a Symptom
(Of Wrong Thinking.)" Lavenia

Poverty Consciousness vs. Abundant Consciousness

People generally live a life of Default. We are constantly reacting to all the distractions.

  • "Focus"

  • "Goal"

  • "Desire"

"Reacting to life, Distracts You in all the Distraction. (The Re-active Mind)"

Living a life of default: "Is like living in the backseat of a car waiting for a driver, you never know if you’ll end up on a cool beach or a dark ally."Krieder & Payne

"Reactive Mind Living Triggers Poverty Consciousness and a Energy of Lacking even when your not."

"The Attraction of Money is a By Product
(of Right Thinking.)
Abundant Thinking Is Your Right to be Rich."

Tapping into your subconscious (the connection) is important and communicating in it's language is golden, what is necessary is learning the language of the abstract, IxV =R. Your communications living through intuition is the tool to breaking the code to that frequency. Being guided by your emotions and feelings, your gut instinct is you telling yourself to recognize your thinking. We generally outthink ourselves. Being able to override this is another key to a lock, acting on the instincts by knowing yourself (subconscious, best friend.)

In Quantum, Nature's behavior is not always based in logic. The Physical vs. Ethereal Realms, Newton's laws of Physics and Quantum, Einstein’s Theories, E=Mc Squared and Super String Theories all complement a whole. According to Aristotle we must use our rational and intuitive thinking. Is there a conflict between the rational vs. the irrational thoughts or the emotional vs. the logical thinking? Quantum Physics demonstrates though energy experiments that there are different behaviors in nature on the level of the very small (sub atomic) that more than defies logic.

In Heisenburgs Uncertainty Principal, it is quantifiable.
Experiments- time and space:

Logic- dictates that in a time machine by changing your past you will affect your present and future but by changing your present you cannot affect your past. (If you affect your mother meeting your father, you would not be here as in "Back to the Future."

Quantum Experiments demonstrates that changing your present can affect your past. This is not logical.

Nature and Reality Experiments with electronic sensors to the Brain and Finger demonstrates your present can affect your past. (What you do today can affect your Grandfather. HuH?) Quantum Time Reverse Symmetry

Heisenburg’s Uncertainty Principle- photons experiment, demonstrates infinite possibilities. Different Realities, Parrallel Universes, Unlimited Possibilities.
A Photon exists and appears again at the same time and is the same photon.
These are scientific laws of nature.

"Consciousness is Finely Tuned Energy." Krieder & Payne

Now with this being the case, on the quantum level, our communications with our subconscious mind works through our emotions in a model of probabilities rather than logic demonstrating our ethereal connection verified by results of potentiality as a pill to overcome ailments or solution or tuning into that right frequency for that perfect station as a practice of materialization in our communications in the ethereal. Your subconscious mind communicates with you and you with it (entropy) in getting what you want as a burning red hot desire that catalyzes when big risk are taken. This is intuition.

When you take experiences, thinking from your past or future success and living your future dreams as already achieved and live it today in the present you eventually with constant practice lift your emotions and raise the vibration to enact the law of attraction unlocking the Secret to getting what ever it is you desire, being a Magnet to Money.

Be Powerful and Empower yourself in Excellence (Excellence is Virtue, Knowledge is Virtue, and Knowledge is Power)

Being at Cause vs. Effect (Get Out Of Default! Not Reacting to Life)

Being Part of the Solution, Not part of the Problem (Being in Poverty Consciousness, loosing your Self Reliance.)

Be the Driver, Be the Thriver, Be the Leader, Possess Confidence, Prosperity Consciousness.

'The Science of Success works, just as you may not understand exactly how electricity works. You don't have to understand how electricity works in order to flip the switch and turn on a light."
- James Ray

Being a "Solutionist!"

Dr. Perry Wong Msc.D is a successful Meta physicist/Meta physician helping people to improve their lives by excelling success in their business enterprises through personal development.

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